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Usability testing courses

Studio: Netlife Design

Role: UI/UX Designer, Service Designer, Accessibility ally

Time frame: 2019 - 2021

During my time at Netlife Design, i also piloted and conducted a series of usability testing courses along with a colleague, for various clients. These usability testing and research courses were customised to respond to the specific needs of unique businesses: 

These courses typically lasted between 1 and 3 days and were a combination of theory and practical tasks. They covered the basics of usability testing, with a focus on how the clients can get started with testing on their own. I held these course with a colleague where we discussed modules such as preparing for a usability test, creating good test tasks and schedule, different formats for different kinds of testing (moderated user tests, unmoderated user tests, guerilla testing and micro-testing of content, creating surveys), and recruiting test participants. Clients included Virke's museum network and Huddly. We also organised a 3-module usability testing course called Testival for the public.

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